choi min

Choi Min-hwan and Yulhee Announce Amicable Separation After Five Years of Marriage: Navigating Parenthood and Individual Journeys

On December 4th, there was a surprising announcement from Choi Min-hwan of FT Island and Yulhee, formerly of LABOUM. They shared that, after five years of being married, they have decided to go separate ways. Both artists shared this news on their social media accounts.

Choi Min-hwan shared, “After talking for a long time, we, as a couple, have decided to end our marriage. We are grateful for the support from everyone who followed and cheered for us when we started a family at a young age. Thanks to our family, team members, and fans for their support. I sincerely apologize. As a father, I will do my best to make sure our children don’t feel hurt emotionally.”

On the same day, Yulhee mentioned, “After much time, effort, and conversation, we, as a couple, have decided to support each other on our separate journeys. Even though our journey as a married couple is over, we are still parents to our children. We both promise to do our best in caring for and communicating with our children.”

Yulhee further explained, “After careful consideration, we have decided that the children should continue living in the familiar space they know. Right now, both of us are taking care of the children to minimize any practical and psychological disruptions. I am making an effort to spend time with the children regularly to make sure the absence of a mother is not strongly felt.”

Choi Min-hwan and Yulhee, who got married in 2018 and have a son and twin daughters, are currently going through divorce settlement procedures, and Choi Min-hwan has agreed to have custody of the three children.

Choi Min-hwan’s statement:

“Hello, it’s Min-hwan. It’s been a while since I greeted you, and even though the message is not easy, I cautiously share this difficult decision with you. After much consideration, our couple has decided to end our marriage. We appreciate your support when we started a family at a young age, and we sincerely apologize to everyone—our family, team members, and fans. I will do my best as a father to prevent our children from experiencing emotional distress. We hope to bring you good news again. Thank you.”

Yulhee’s statement:

“Hello, it’s Yulhee. Today, I have to share a somewhat heavy story with you. It’s not a pleasant feeling, but I wanted to convey it directly to those who have supported and loved us. After a lot of time, effort, and conversation, our couple has decided to support each other on our individual paths. While the path as a married couple ends here, our roles as parents to our children continue. We are both doing our best to care for and communicate with our children. Currently, after much thought, we have decided that it is best for the children to stay in the familiar space they have known. Both of us are involved in parenting to minimize practical and psychological disruptions, and I, too, spend time with the children regularly to make sure the absence of a mother is not strongly felt. We have made this challenging decision for our happiness, and we hope you can watch over us with warm eyes. Despite the sudden and bewildering news, we appreciate your warm support. It’s getting very cold these days, so I hope you have a warm day. Thank you for reading this lengthy message.”

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