
Measles Alert: Potential Exposure at Nemours Children’s Hospital Sparks Urgent Response

Between late December 20 and 30 individuals at Nemours Children’s Hospital were potentially exposed to an asymptomatic but infectious person with measles. T

he Delaware Division of Public Health reported that the individual visited the hospital on December 29, and anyone present between 6 a.m. and noon may have been at risk. The division has reached out to potentially exposed individuals, confirming vaccination status, providing educational resources, and issuing quarantine orders when necessary.

If exposed individuals show symptoms, they are advised to contact the Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology for testing coordination and guidance. Those feeling unwell should seek immediate care from their primary care provider, and if symptoms are severe, they should visit the nearest emergency department, notifying providers of measles exposure beforehand.

Measles symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, pink eye, and the appearance of tiny white spots inside the mouth. A rash may develop three to five days later, starting on the face and spreading down the body. The virus can remain infectious in the air and on surfaces for up to two hours after an infected person leaves. Measles can be prevented with the MMR vaccine, as there is no specific treatment, and it typically resolves within two to three weeks.

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