sylvester stallone

Ro Knight: A 9-Year-Old Sensation’s Journey from Rocky Recreations to a Dream Meeting with Sylvester Stallone

Nine-year-old Ro Knight, a social media sensation with over 50,000 Instagram followers (@Ro_knows_wrestling), had an incredible experience meeting Sylvester Stallone during the inaugural Rocky Day in Philadelphia. Ro, who hails from Alabama, is a big fan of the Rocky franchise and recreated an iconic scene for Stallone.

Approaching Stallone at the Rocky statue, Ro delivered a famous speech from Rocky Balboa, saying, “Let me tell you something that you already know: the world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows…” Stallone even joined in at times. Stallone later shared a video of their interaction on social media, praising Ro as a “real-life Rocky.”

Reflecting on the experience, Ro Knight told NBC, “It was fantastic. He was surprised, I guess. It was awesome.”

Ro’s connection with Rocky began in toddlerhood, watching the movies with his father. This led to memorizing lines and rehearsing performances. Despite nerves, Ro confidently approached both Stallone and wrestling icon Hulk Hogan, whom he’s met multiple times. A video of Ro’s encounter with Hogan went viral, showcasing his charismatic performances.

Stallone first noticed Ro in May 2021 when the young fan, then six years old, recreated the Rocky Balboa speech in the character’s iconic trunks. Stallone shared the video on Instagram, expressing pride in how the Rocky character has transcended generations. Ro’s Instagram gained attention, and Stallone’s agents offered to send him Rocky merchandise.

Ro’s impressive performances and love for Rocky earned him an invitation to Rocky Day in Philadelphia, where he met Stallone in person. Despite feeling intimidated, Ro delivered an outstanding performance, impressing Stallone and the crowd. Ro sees his interactions with Stallone and Hogan as learning opportunities and potential showcases for his talents.

For Ro, this experience wasn’t just a fan moment; it served as an unofficial audition for a role in one of Stallone’s films. Expressing his desire to be part of the next Creed movie, Ro remains open to any role Stallone envisions for him. Ro sees Stallone as a glowing figure with an undeniable aura and aims to follow in his footsteps, combining passion and performance to create memorable moments.

As Ro continues to pursue his dreams in acting and wrestling, he remains a young talent with a bright future ahead.

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